Great to see you! Is that a new hairdo?
I'm Alison, or Ali for short. I eat words for breakfast, and puns are the cherry on top of that perfect, fluffy stack of pancakes. (I'm also a brunch enthusiast, what can I say?)
On my site, you'll find my bread and butter (anyone else getting hungry reading about all this food?): copywriting and strategy.
I like to use my words to make people smile, laugh, and take action. The "take action" part is especially important because statistically speaking, it is 100% easier not to do something than to do it.
Aside from my passion for quoting John Mulaney, here are some of my other interests:
Eating copious amounts of ice cream despite my lactose intolerance
Watching competition baking shows and thinking, "I could totally make that"
Coming up with silly song parodies
Plunging into niche TikTok black holes
Agonizing over crossword puzzles (yes, that includes Wordle)
Turning everything into a game (grocery shopping = scavenger hunt)
Playing frisbee with my super mutt pup, Sunny

Now please, go forth and browse my work! Here's a good place to start.